Monday 9 May 2011

Digital Fortress (Synopsis)

Digital Fortress is a techno-thriller novel written by one of the most exalted author of America, Dan Brown. The book scrutinizes the world of encrypting & decrypting of data. 
Synopsis: NSA (National Security Agency) of US is the organization responsible for the security of network crimes & does it with the help of invincible code-breaking machine (TRANSLTR), but the quandary rises when the TRANSLTR encounters a complex and mysterious code (Digital Fortress) it cannot break. Commander Strathmore( head of NSA) calls Susan Fletcher(head cryptographer) to crack it. She ascertain that it is an unbreakable code or a self looping code which is written by Ensie Tankado, a fired employee of NSA who is displeased with the agency's encroachment into people's privacy. He demands that the US government admits publicly to having the TRANSLTR. If not, he will release the code that TRANSLTR can't break, thus making the code breaking machine useless.
Fletcher's fiancee, professor David Becker, is sent to Spain to collect Ensei Tankado's belongings. Tankado has died from a heart attack, and Becker has to find the pass-key to unlock the code before someone else does. 
Susan eventually discovers that the code is a viral program which is made for breaking the firewall & eating the data-bank of NSA . Meanwhile, David is trying his level best to find the ring on which the pass-key is printed defending himself from the attacks which are being made on him. When TRANSLTR overheats, Strathmore commits suicide by standing next to the machine.
Finally Becker procures the ring and gives it to Susan after returning to US, who decrypts the code and saves the data-bank of NSA.
Cognition: The book is loosely based around recent history of cryptography.